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First of all, I think reference is very important because there are many different kinds of crack. Such as: asphalt, concrete, board and so on. So I use asphalt pieces for reference personally. I also learn mass or frictional force by direct and actual experience. It is very important.



The next thing, how I split procedural surface? I found 3 methods of split and they are Voronoi fracture, extract from trace node and triangulate 2d node. Finally, I thought Triangulate 2d node is the most appropriate for procedural.

So I changed ROBOT velocity to the number of points and made pieces using trainglute 2d node. Controller1 is Vopsop node for piece detail. In other words, controller for the edge of piece. This can make variable surfaces easily.


 This order is how to make pieces. The outermost surfaces are deleted. Then, pieces are based in the area of surface primitive. Primitives are divided into three(3) groups depending on the area. Each piece modeling applies differently for the group.  I changed the area value from zero(0) to one(1). Next, the area connects to ramp parameter more easily. I needed modeling for sim, so I made rowres and highres modeling. In highres, dispScale_geo attribute are used in shop as displacement values.

The next thing, I must find pieces next to the robot to lift up. First, leave only nonactive pieces. Second, Robot transferred red color value to Nonactive pieces next to the robot by distance. In the following order, red color value decides piece's rotation value.


 Then I needed pivot point and rotate axis for a lift up. So I calculated temp normal vector from a piece points to the robot pass line using point cloud. Up vector just set (0,1,0). Finally, Rotate axis is a cross vector of temp normal vector and up vector. Because the farthest piece point of the robot is the pivot point and it is calculated using distance from piece point to robot pass line.

 Now, I must rotate pieces using axis, pivot, an active. In vopsop, matrix is used. An inactive value have narrow range. So I multiplied   degtorad to inactive for more bigger rotation. Watch below for more clarification.

 I used the rowres polygon for light sim because I was able to  exchange rowres for highres modeling using "transform pieces" node. First, I made sim points to represent objects. Second,  the highres modelings connect to the first input and sim points connect to the  second input in "transform pieces" node. The name attribute is the medium that connects the highres modelings and points.

 Here, I used H13 new particle system for Debris, sand. First, debris source can be made to use debrissource node or made points  personally where you wanted. Second, I set up psale, mass value in newpop from here, I thought it's important. For Rotation, I needed the cumulative values that were calculated by velocity. Next, I had only to rotate as much as cumulateive value by rotation axis. Lastly, debris and sand modelings connected to that points by using copy node. 

 Either too big or too small pieces, should be deleted for using sources.  Then, source of speed was too fast so this problem must be settled.  First method was lifting substep in sim. But sim time was slow. So I made long source. So, I fill up the gap between the frame and used it as final source. Then,  sources in outside of camera were deleted to reduce unnecessary sim. This method made that sim was more faster and efficient.

 In this case, the trail was very long. If smoke division size was same in all container box, It was very inefficient. So, according to distance from the camera, division size of farthest container box was more bigger and close container box’s division size was very small and cluster sop points node was very useful.

 In shader, 1and0 seemed to be important because it can decide the color. I used the Mixed Auto detected edge black color and texture scratch image and various noises. For auto detected edge color, I used dot product normal vector and surface vector.

And I customized Robot Shader.


[Besides that]

In camera view, I drew guideline of road based on tracked image and I made real texture based on guide line applied texture to road.


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