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Surreal Water FX 

I made all parts of the falling waterball including the coming mist by thunami and the fog among the trees. (I didn't work rising tsunami into the sky in first cut and all cloud)

Look Reference

Falling waterball

1. Guide mesh for quick feedback

the director wanted the particular waterdrop shape. So i made guide mesh for quick feedback. After confirm, I made detail mesh based on guide mesh.

Director drawing

Water mesh setting for modifying shape and timing easily

2. Witerwater & Mist

i used velocity, curvature, density for emitter source to make whitewater and mist.

And white water sim, particle , smoke sim were used for splash and mist.


1. drying up simulation splited

In the story, each part of the waterfall dried up over time. So I did the simulation aside so that I could respond quickly to the director's request.

2. Airfield

I made air field points generated once per 30 frames. Because, If air field points are created for each frame, it takes very long time.

And I though It would be so efficient way because waterfall was so far from camera. As a result, it was not much different from the original system. 

- Focused on magnificence expression
- Air field and shape RND
- Waterfall operation for each section after RND

- Added mist using smoke volume

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